The story of how Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his brothers, became governor of Egypt. He was bought by Potiphar, Pharaoh's captain guard. Potiphar saw that the Lord was with
Joseph and everything he did succeeded. Potiphar made Joseph overseer his household and over all he owned. He knew he could trust Joseph.
Potiphar's wife saw that Joseph was a handsome young man. She was attracted with him and wanted to lure him. Joseph knew that would be a sin against God and against his master, so he
refused. But Potiphar's wife insisted. One day when Joseph was in the house by himself, she grabbed his robe and lured him, but Joseph resisted and ran away, leaving his robe in her hand.
Now Potiphar's wife was angry with Joseph. She called to the other men of her house and showed them his robe. "That Hebrew tried to tempt me," she told them. "When I cried out for
help, he ran away, leaving his robe with me." When Potiphar came home, she told him the same lie. Potiphar was angry and had Joseph thrown in prison.
The Lord was pleased with Joseph and continued to make him successful. Soon the jailer put Joseph in-charge of everything in the prison. One day, Pharaoh's chief butler and chief
baker were thrown in prison because Pharaoh was angry with them. That night, each had a dream. In the morning they told Joseph their dreams, and God gave him the interpretations. That in
three days, the butler would be put back to his position with Pharaoh, but the baker would be hanged. Everything happened just as Joseph told. Joseph asked the butler to tell Pharaoh about
him and how he had been thrown into prison unfairly. But the butler forgot about Joseph.
Two years later Pharaoh had a dream which no one could interpret. Then the butler remembered Joseph and told Pharaoh about him. Pharaoh sent for him immediately. God again gave
Joseph the interpretation: God is showing Pharaoh that He is about to send seven years of plenty to provide the years of famine.
Pharaoh answered, "No one is wiser that you, Joseph. You will be governor over all Egypt. Only I will be greater than you."