2011년 8월 16일 화요일



        One day, Nebuchadneezar, king of Babylon, decided to make an image of gold and set it up on a plain in the province of Babylon. He then called all the government officials to come to
its dedication. He commanded, "When you hear the music, you must all bow down and worship the golden image. Anyone who does not bow down and worship will be thrown immediately into a fiery


        Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did not bow down and worship the image. When the king heard they had not obeyed his order, he was furious. He had them brought to him. "Why did you
refuse to worship my image? Can your God deliver you out of my hands?" he asked.


        They answered, "O king, our God is able to deliver us out of your fiery furnace. But if He doesn't, we still won't serve your gods nor worship the golden image."

        Nebuchadneezar was so angry, he told his men to heat the seven time hotter. Then he commanded the strongest men to tie up the Hebrews and throw them into the furnace. The furnace was
so hot that the strong men were killed when they threw the three Hebrews into the fire.

        Suddenly, Nebuchadneezar stood up, Pointing a shaking finger at the furnace, he asked, "Didn't we throw three men into the furnace? Who is the fourth man? He looks like the Son of
God! And how can they all be walking aroung the fire, and none of them are burned?" Then he called to the three Hebrews, "Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego! Come out!"

        When they came out of the furnace, the king and his men were amazed because the three Hebrews did not even smell smoke. They were not burned. Their clothes and hair had not been
touched by fire. The king said, "Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who had delivered them from the fiery furnace. You may worship your God and not our gods. Anyone who
speaks against your God will be destroyed."

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